Having a totally blank blog is kind of intimidating. I'm not quite sure what to start with and I'm honestly not sure where I want to go with this blog. I know one thing I would like to share is my experiences with my daughter's recently diagnosed hearing loss. Lately I've been learning something new every day about how we hear, hearing loss, and how important it is to diagnose as early as possible. If it wasn't for the mandatory newborn hearing screening at the hospital we wouldn't have been able to start this journey so early!
In addition to my four month old daughter, Evelyn, I have an almost three year old son named Liam. My kids are the absolute light of my lives; I don't know what I did to get such beautiful, smart, happy, healthy kids but I am so grateful! I also have a furbaby, a solid black cat who goes by Slinky. We've had her for just about four years now! We also had a lovebird, Corona, who passed away in December 2010. She is buried behind our apartment building, under some tall trees, and is thought about often. My final kid (just kidding!) is my husband and better half, Dan. We've been together since we were 18 and 19 and have definitely done some growing up together!
Some other tidbits about me -
I'm a working mom who would much rather be a stay at home mom. I'm not a great cook but I've gotten a lot better since my days of not even being able to cook Rice-a-Roni. My someday goal is to feed my family almost all home-cooked, minimally processed food. Our kitchen is looking a lot better these days, so I'm confident that I'll get there slowly. Once my son started eating table food I took grocery shopping a lot more seriously. I used to love buying Doritos, Hot Pockets, and Oreos, but I absolutely do not want my kids eating that junk! It's tasty, I fully admit (which is why I sneak it during nap or bedtime!) but I want to set a better example for my kids and teach them how important it is to make healthy food choices. My son eats french fries, cake, and chips, but not on a regular basis and rarely here at home. Right now I'm sort of in the in between stage of feeding him processed food but a fairly healthy diet. He eats almost all fruits as well as cheese, peanut butter, some veggies, eggs (only scrambled), low sugar cereals like Cheerios, lean meats, and is only allowed (minimal) milk and water at home. He definitely loves sweets like cookies and cake and we don't deprive him of them. I hope that we're teaching him it's fine to eat yummy treats like that but to treat them just as such - as treats - and not part of a daily diet. I'm sure part of this blog will be me exploring new recipes and meal/snack ideas for my family (I have tons on my Pinterest!) and learning more about how to teach my kids healthy eating.
Since I'm a busy, working mom of two little ones, I don't get a lot of "me" time. The "me" time I get is basically time I could be spending doing something productive (like laundry, dusting, or battling the constant clutter that is our apartment) but instead choose to veg out on the couch or at the table with the tv on and my favorite websites lined up in tabs on my computer. Hey, a mommy needs to relax, too! I have also dabbled in sewing here and there but right now my sewing machine is in the closet! I need more room, better skills, and probably a tad bit more patience. One day, one day. Maybe when I become a stay at home mom and my kids are in school. Hm, might have to run that by the hubby... ;).
As for now, I'm having a hard time juggling all my responsibilities as it is! I envy those moms, working and stay at home, who seem so put together. Clothes laid out and lunches packed the night before, absence of the inevitable laundry monster in the corner of our bedroom, permanent vacuum lines on the carpet, and maybe even a little garden outside that is always properly watered. Ah, a girl can dream...
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